News Release


June 27, 2019

JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation

Establishment of JX Nippon Mining & Metals Group Long-Term Vision 2040

— Aiming to foster the development of society’s innovation with advanced materials—

JX Nippon Mining & Metals (President: Seiichi Murayama) wishes to advise that it has established a JX Nippon Mining & Metals Group Long-Term Vision 2040.


The business environment surrounding the Group is undergoing a major change. Factors bringing about that change include shortages of resources caused by economic growth in the Asian emerging nations and the accompanying expansion of the middle-income class. The shrinking of domestic markets is another major factor caused by the population decline and the hollowing-out of domestic industry. Under these circumstances, with the progress in data utilization in various industries, including the IT and mobility industries, the demand for advanced materials is expected to expand even further.


The Group Long-Term Vision seeks to respond to this situation by leveraging the technologies and knowledge we have cultivated over many years to achieve growth as a technology-based company that offers high value-added products and technologies, with the aim of contributing to the realization of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To achieve this goal, the Long-Term Vision establishes the following basic policies.


・ With differentiation through technologies as our keyword, each of our individual businesses will be positioned as either a “Focus Business” or a “Base Business.” The Focus Businesses will become the core of our growth strategies and the Base Businesses will support the foundations of the organization.

・ Copper and minor metals will be positioned as central domains, as materials that are essential to advanced materials.

・ A co-creative Research and Development scheme, which leverages external resources, will be established for the creation of new businesses.

・ Organizational structures and human resources designed for technology-based business management will be carried out. This will include building flexible personnel system.


Based on the basic policies established in the Long-Term Vision, the Group will be united as one in the pursuit of our business activities and will contribute to the sustainable development of society and social innovation through the proposal and supply of advanced materials.

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